What is Burial Insurance?

Burial Insurance. Funeral Insurance. Final Expense Insurance.

No matter what you call it, what you’re talking about is Life Insurance.

However, when most people think about burial insurance, what comes to mind is actually a prepaid funeral.

Burial Insurance is different. And better.

Burial Insurance vs. Prepaid Funeral Plans

Prepaid Funeral Plans

A prepaid funeral plan is simply a way to pay for your funeral up front.

Costs range from $10,000 to $25,000 and can be paid in one lump sum or over time.

You choose exactly the type and location of your funeral.

When you die, the funeral home receives the money from your plan.

Questions to ask:

  • What happens if you die before your plan is paid for?
  • What happens if you move and now live far away from the funeral home you chose?
  • What happens if the funeral home goes out of business?

Burial Insurance

Burial insurance is a small life insurance policy.

Costs range from $20 per month to hundreds of dollars per month. Costs vary due to your age and health.

You can still arrange your funeral plans but you aren’t locked in.

When you die, your named beneficiary receives the money and can distribute it as needed.

Any leftover money is kept by the beneficiary.

Questions to ask:

  • Is the policy true Whole Life or does it expire at some point in the future?
  • Is the monthly cost guaranteed not to increase?
  • Will the coverage amount ever decrease?
  • Can you qualify for it medically?

How do I Buy Burial Insurance?

Burial Insurance can be bought in person or right over the phone.

Basic quotes can be given online in a matter of seconds. Get your quote right now by filling out our Instant Quoter above this article or to the right of it.

To get a True quote, an agent should review your health history and let you know which plans you qualify for.

Once you decide on a plan and coverage amount, it’s time to apply.

Burial Insurance applications are done either online, over the phone, or on paper. Online and phone applications can result in instant approvals. Paper applications can take up to a week or more.

True Burial Insurance Can Help

Our agents at True Burial Insurance are licensed experts who can guide you to the plan that fits you best.

With our help you can feel comfortable knowing that your family will never have to worry about a financial burden due your passing.

We can help you find a plan right over the phone. No salesperson will EVER visit your home.

Easy. Affordable. Burial Insurance.

It’s True.

Contact us today.